Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Oh, and for you hate filled, spittle flecked leftists...

Continuing the fine tradition of Free Speech our founders so thoughtfully imbued us with, and which every single conservative blog I've seen stands by \ lefty blog I've ever seen virulently eschews, I allow uncensored comments, with the following simple rules.

1. Do not mock my religion. If you have a gripe, feel free to air it. but slandering the Pope, Catholic priests or the Catholic church out of pure spite gets you bounced. We got problems, but spittle isn't the cure.

2. Spam. If you've got something relevant so say, say it by all means. Ripping into an argument is encouraged, but it must be pertinent to the topic at hand.

3. Libel. Do not post libelous insults. If you've got documented proof of something you think needs to be shared, go ahead and post it...then OWN it. I put my real name to this blog, and to every comment I've ever made anywhere; I say what I mean and stand behind every will too. People that are libeled here will receive all the assistance from me they ask for to litigate; I keep copies of comments.. As for me, I've had E-nuff of that kind of crap and have one hell of a bad ass lawyer..

That's it. Pretty simple, right? we'll see how many lefties can abide.

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